雖然在軍營裡 沒有電子辭典用
我都只能遇到不會的英文 或是想學的英文
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dime相關用法 (penny一分, nickel五分, dime一角, quarter二十五分)
=>1 dollar= 4 quarters= 10 dimes= 20 nickels= 100 pennies)

a. a nickel and dime business 小本生意
b. a dime a dozen 比比皆是的
c. on a dime 小地方處 => turn on a dime 能在小轉彎處轉彎
stop on a dime 能在緊急時煞住車
d. get off the dime 做決定

raze 夷平 : The building will be razed in this month.

spoonbill => black-faced spoonbill 黑面琵鷺

saving 節約 拯救 VS savings 存款
damage 損壞 VS damages 賠償

sports 運動的(a.) => sports car

grind to a halt 慢慢停下來, 灘渙

Instruction knows no class distinction. 有教無類

curd 凝乳
whey 做凝乳剩下來液體

acephalous 無頭的 無首領的(cephal-頭)

vivacious 活潑的
hoarse 沙啞的

trustee 受托管理人
clover 苜蓿
lump sugar 方糖

hammer it back in place 善後
hit the nail on the head 恰到好處
spot the flaw 找出缺失

shadow 見習(v.)
layman 外行人
labor pains= throes 陣痛
C-section= caesarean section 剖腹生產
natural birth 自然生產
convertible car 敞篷車
movable paint 活版印刷
squatter toilet 蹲式馬桶 (squat 蹲)
hone your writing skills

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